Healthy Detox Smoothie for Acne

By Eva Sieradzan| Mar 14, 2019
Healthy Detox Smoothie for Acne

Are you having trouble with eczema, psoriasis, acne or other skin problems?

If so, you probably need to detox your body to fight these skin conditions.

Acne is an inflammation, characterized by blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. A diet of high protein, fats, and “bad” sugars can contribute to the problem, building up acid in the blood.

Eliminating eggs and dairy, which includes milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and kefir can clear up the skin.

  • Lower the fat in your diet, thus giving the liver a break so its own immune system can literally rebuild. This means limiting how much animal protein you eat while healing because all this protein is also high in fat. The same goes for plant foods: lower the fat in your diet by reducing or eliminating oils, nuts, soy, seeds, and avocado.
  • Significantly increase the amount of fruits, leafy greens and vegetables you eat.
  • Drink pure celery juice every morning on an empty stomach.

Adding a smoothie to your day can make a huge difference in your daily nutrition because of its nutrient-dense nature. Getting more nutrients in your diet means enjoying different health benefits, including nourishing your skin from the inside to help your acne.

Smoothies are one of the most refreshing and delicious ways to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. You can enjoy a burst of rich, fruity flavors while consuming a variety of essential nutrients.

Acne is often hormonal. However, it’s also associated with your bacteria (internal dermal toxins), eating habits, and changes in the activity of your oil glands. You usually see it on the “Face.” However, it may also appear on your arms, back, and other areas of your body.

Fortunately, acne isn’t a serious health issue. Most of the time, it can be kept under control by changing some habits, diet, and undergoing certain treatments.

That is why today I’d like to share smoothies made with natural ingredients that contain nutrients with the ability to cleanse your skin and help control acne from the inside out. Low in calories and high in antioxidants, this natural smoothie is a great way to treat acne. It lowers any excessive oil production and bacteria. Plus, since it removes toxins, it also improves your circulation, liver and your body’s cellular oxygenation processes.

That being said, even if you add in all these “blemish blasting foods,” keep in mind that if you are still eating or doing something that is fueling the fire of acne for your unique body, you won’t see complete results. Treating acne naturally requires a multi-pronged, holistic approach, as well as time.

In my acne program, I guide you towards figuring out your personal acne triggers, and how to reverse them, so you can achieve the clear, flawless skin you desire. While there are multiple causes of acne, as well as effective treatment approaches, it will depend on your unique situation, there are certain foods that can help bring down the redness and inflammation of breakouts more quickly.

For more information on the benefits of healthy acne free skin contact Eva at the Essence of Beauty Acne Clinic to talk about our acne treatments options today.

Here is the a smoothie that will help you detox on a daily basis


  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup cherries
  • 1 banana
  • 200 ml water


Cut the ingredients into smaller pieces and add them to a blender along with the water. Process on high speed until well-mixed. Have this smoothie in the morning for breakfast. Enjoy!